Flight of Freedom

Flight Of Freedom Image

Flight of Freedom

A Stories Aloud original about Daedalus and Icarus

King Minos of Crete had a son. But the son turned out to be a monster. He grew strong and mean. He had
the body of a man, but the head of a bull and they called him ‘The Minotaur’. So King Minos called on his
head architect to design a labyrinth so large and so complicated, that the Minotaur would live there

The Architect’s name was Daedalus. He was a very intelligent man. He was also an inventor and a sculptor.
He wasn’t actually from Crete, he was from Athens and, when he finished creating the labyrinth, he
wanted to go back. But King Minos wanted him to stay in Crete. He was such a clever man; he would be
useful. So King Minos locked Daedalus and his son, Icarus in a tower. They were prisoners, but they were
treated very well. They had everything they could ever want…except their freedom.

Daedalus sighed as he watched the seagulls flying in circles over the glistening sea. How free they were.
They would climb and soar and catch fish in their beaks, before settling on a rock to rest. How he wished to
be free like that.

He turned to look at their circular prison. Icarus was sitting on the floor playing with an extra piece of
yesterday’s invention. What a life! Daedalus had dreamt of teaching his son about all the wonders of the
world. He had dreamt of long days in Athens; home.

Another sigh escaped his lips as he returned his gaze to the carefree gulls. Thoughts of escape were
useless. Even if they managed to get out of the tower, they would never get off the island. King Minos had
soldiers everywhere. He ruled the land and sea; there was no hope.

A knock at the door. It was a soldier delivering the materials for Daedalus’ next invention. The soldier
didn’t speak; he dropped off the delivery and collected the architect’s plans for the swimming baths.
As he left, he slammed the door, making Icarus jump and the various instruments around the tower shake.
The draught sent leaves and dust floating across the room. A white feather, caught in an upward draught,
danced in the air, going round in circles. Then it fell gently to the ground and settled.
Daedalus started getting that feeling. The one where an invention is just on the edge of his brain – but he
can’t quite… Suddenly, he jumped off his chair and leaned out the window. He looked at the seagulls and
then back at the feather. Back to the seagulls and then to Icarus, who was still playing with yesterday’s toy.

“Icarus! Icarus! We’re going home!”

There is a lot more to this story. Daedalus and Icarus make wings from seagull feathers and they learn to fly. Then, one day, they fly right out of the prison window. Unfortunately, Icarus doesn’t follow his father’s instruction about keeping a middle course and he flies too high. The sun melts the wax holding his wings together. Daedalus looks everywhere for him, but never finds his son. It’s a sad and moralistic story, but only right at the very end. The rest of the story is a big adventure.